April 30, 2007

Diapers are Always Useful Target Gift Card Happy Day Daddy's co-workers threw us and Auntie Lindsey a baby shower. Auntie Lindsey's baby Austin is also due around the same time as Colin. Lots of food, fun, and gifts...

April 26, 2007

First Time Going to Movie Theater My first time watching a movie at a theater - it was at the brand new AMC theater at Cupertino Square. We watched Charlotte's Web.

April 25, 2007

Monkeying Around Gymnastic Training Swing Away I have been taking a class at My Gym. It has helped me to be more active and daring. The best part is that I get to take it with Cousin Rachel. Coincidentally, for the last day of class, we even dressed alike. Dressed Like Rachel

April 14, 2007

Grandma's Birthday Happy Birthday, Grandma!

April 8, 2007

Cousin Elliot's Baptism We attended cousin Elliot's baptism. Also, Gung Gung will be returning back to Asia tomorrow. Quality Time

April 1, 2007

Happy Birthday, Rachel! Happy Birthday, Rachel! Blowing the Candle

March 31, 2007

Cheer! Hooray! Gung Gung is here to visit. Gung Gung, Jocelyn, and Natalie

March 25, 2007

There was an English congregation get-together tonight at church (Upper Room). Us kids performed a song...

March 17, 2007

Congratulations to Daddy's cousin Lloyd and his new bride Christina! Mother and Daughter Wedding Cake

March 3, 2007

Day 2 Highlights...
Meet Pooh: It's Winnie-the-Pooh!
Buddy-Buddy with Ariel: Ariel and I are tight

March 2, 2007

I'm at Disneyland! Dumbo Ride My second time to Disneyland...This time I was willing to take pictures with Mickey and Minnie - but still not OK with Pluto or Goofy yet. I also went on a roller coaster for the first time. I loved the speed. Roller Coaster There's also an area where it's all about Princesses...

At Ariel's Grotto We went to Ariel's Grotto again. Mommy and Daddy felt that this time wasn't as good as the first time. But for me, of course I loved it! Ariel Snow White Cinderella Aurora Belle

(Pictures did not turn out as well as the first time. See Year 3 - May 26, 2006 posting.)

Here are all the pictures from the trip...

February 25, 2007

Another party at Pump-It-Up. Happy birthday, Chloe! Happy Birthday, Chloe!

February 24, 2007

Allison's birthday party at Pump-It-Up. Big slide:

The cake made everybody looked scary and silly. Scary Silly

February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day! We celebrated Valentine's Day by going to Flame's for desserts. Napoleon and chocolate cake...Yummy!!! Cleaning Up

January 14, 2007

Me and Ashley in a Convertible What about this Ferrari? Uncle Andy, Ashley, Daddy and I went to the San Jose Car Show today. I'm already thinking about my first car?!?! We also saw Diego and Dora!!! Diego Dora

January 7, 2007

I went to 3 birthday parties this weekend. Happy birthday to Abigail, Brandon and Hannah! Birthdays Weekend

January 5, 2007

We found out today that we'll be having a new baby brother. Even though I was initially disappointed about the news, I've come to embrace the fact that Baby will not be a baby sister but rather - Baby Brother. Baby BrotherNo Mistake about It I'm sure I'll love him the same.

January 1, 2007

Happy New Year! TGI Sushi - one of the very few restaurants opened today. As usual, I pigged out... Japanese Feast

December 24, 2006

Photogenic Merry Christmas! We had a Christmas dinner at Angela E-E... Christmas Celebration Silly

December 20, 2006

A visit to Starbucks...

Before: After:

December 18, 2006

My first time going to the dentist...I did OK and they told me my teeth are fine! Prep Talk I'm OK More Cleaning

December 17, 2006

Our annual Christmas family get-together...This year, Rachel and I got our own table with a Princess tablecloth! Our Own Princess Table 3 of Us With Grandparents With Mommy and Daddy Everybody

I got to open some of my presents...One of which is a Princess game! Princess Game

December 2, 2006

I got my new (Princess) bed today. Yea! New Princess Bed Very Comfy

November 29, 2006

Our Lunch I Like Green Tea Ice-Cream Yanagi - This place is so good that we came here for lunch and dinner today... Deluxe Sashimi Mouth-Watering Hamachi

November 28, 2006

Miss Drama Queen We drove around the island today - stopping at various beaches along the way. Having Fun Happy But our main purpose was to stop at Dole Plantation and buy these hard-to-find pineapple jam. Pineapple Jam

Pineapple O.D.:
Juice When Can I Start? Digging in Slowly Enjoying Calmly Pineapple Split Still Rather Calm Out of Control
We also stopped at the famous Giovanni's Shrimp Truck. Yummy Shrimps

November 27, 2006

Leonard's For breakfast, we went to the famous Leonard's to get some malasadas. This month's special filling was guava. Here's the art of eating one of these... Look How I Hold It Look How I am About to Put It in My Mouth
Afterwards, we went to the Ala Moana Beach for some swimming and playing in the sand. Pretty Girl Model Ready to Surf?

Leonard's Dinner was at Sansei Japanese Restaurant. 50% off when dining with a local on Sundays and Mondays. The food was so-so... Before Dinner Pose

November 26, 2006

Cousins Alex and Christine I finally got to meet my cousins Alex and Christine. As you can tell, Christine and I bonded immediately. We had Sunday brunch at the Prince Hotel.
At night, we had a big dinner at Happy Days Chinese Restaurant. Aunties Cheryl and Jody

November 25, 2006

Aloha! Here we come... Aloha!

November 23, 2006

Yummy Tangerines Our tangerine tree this year produced extra-sweet fruits. Just can't stop eating them...
I Gotta Cook! We celebrated Thanksgiving by having our traditional Da-Bin-Lo (Hot-Pot) dinner. Afterwards, before returning home, we stopped by Christmas in the Park. It was cold... Bundled Up With Mommy Taking a Drive Saying Hi!

November 11, 2006

Ice-Skating The Chair is My Best Friend I started ice-skating lesson today. How do I look? Nice Form The Skater
At night, we went to Pump It Up for Natalie's birthday party.Happy Birthday, Natalie! The Birthday Throne

October 31, 2006

I dressed up as Belle this year. Girly Girl More Girly

Here's a short clip from preschool...

Went to the mall with Natalie in the evening. At the Mall

October 30, 2006

My last day of ballet class. Enjoy these videos...

October 22, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mommy! Birthday Kiss
We celebrated by having our annual Todai outing. Birthday Cake Do You Know His Name?

October 15, 2006

Went to a pumpkin patch with Rachel...With Rachel Pumpkin Patch

October 7, 2006

Hard at Work Writing Something Important Daddy found a new job and will be starting in a couple of weeks. Today we went to his current workplace to do some packing up. Afterwards, we got to play in a nice park in Foster City.Enjoying the Nice Flowers Happy Pose

September 23, 2006

Hug Strawberry Shortcake Strawberry Shortcake was at Berean bookstore. I got to meet her up close. What a treat!

September 12, 2006

First Day at PreSchool I started preschool today at Village PreSchool in Saratoga.

September 10, 2006

I start ballet class tomorrow. I'm so excited!!! My Ballet Outfit Close-Up

August 24, 2006

Miss 4 Eyes Swimmer Today was my last swim lesson for the summer. I was just starting to enjoy it... Follow the Leader Disconnected Back Together At night, we went to the circus with Debra E-E and Nat Nat. Circus at HP Arena

August 20, 2006

My New York Bears Bears Daddy went to New York for a business trip. Mommy decided to join Daddy. So I stayed with Grandma and Grandpa for 4 nights. This is the longest amount of time I've ever been away from Mommy and Daddy. But I was a good girl. So Mommy and Daddy bought me another teddy bear from New York to add to my collection.

August 15, 2006

3 Year Old Checkup I had my 3 year-old checkup today. My weight is 34.5 lb (79.45% percentile) and I'm 37 inches tall (41.88% percentile). One funny thing happened at the doctor office when the doctor was about to leave the room....I told her that she forgot to check my throat with the tongue depresser. So the doctor had to stop and look at my throat before I let her leave...

August 9, 2006

This is Amanda after 2 weeks... 2 Weeks Old

July 31, 2006

Meeting Baby Amanda for the First Time As soon as we got back to San Jose, we went to visit Rachel's new sister - Amanda. Close-up of Amanda

July 30, 2006

Beautiful Mountains in the Background We went boating out in the lake today! I even got to drive the boat for a little bit... I Got to Drive the Boat Relaxing in the Lake

July 29, 2006

About to Go Hiking Getting Our Picture Taken Here's the Result Nice Background We took a short trip to Lake Tahoe. Today we went hiking in the morning and played at the beach in the afternoon. A Little Soaked We Had a Blast

July 27, 2006

Swimming lessons have started for me again. Enjoying the Water Having Fun

July 22, 2006

Swing Away Hanging On This year, I was lucky to have 2 birthday parties. The second one was held at Mini-Gym with all my friends. I loved my princess cake. With Mommy and Daddy Blow

July 21, 2006

Thank You, Nat Nat! My Chuck E Cheese Party with My Cousins I got to celebrate my birthday with my cousins Natalie and Rachel at Chuck E. Cheese. Then at night, we went to grandparent's house for dinner. After dinner, I got a ice-cream birthday cake! Thank You, Rachel! With Mommy and Daddy

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